About the American Legion and Post 655
The American Legion
The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veteran’s service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans.
Hundreds of local American Legion programs and activities strengthen the nation one community at a time. American Legion Baseball is one of the nation’s most successful amateur athletic programs; educating young people about the importance of sportsmanship, citizenship and fitness. The Heroes to Hometowns program connects local Legionnaires with recovering wounded warriors and their families, providing a variety of support activities. The Legion raises millions of dollars in donations at the local, state and national levels to help veterans and their families and to provide college scholarship opportunities.
The American Legion is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization with great political influence perpetuated by its grass-roots involvement in the legislation process from local districts to Capitol Hill. Legionnaires’ sense of obligation to community, state and nation drives an honest advocacy for veterans in Washington. The Legion stands behind the issues most important to the nation's veteran community, backed by resolutions passed by volunteer leadership.
The American Legion’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism. The organization belongs to the people it serves and the communities in which it thrives.
American Legion Four Pillars of Service
Strong National Security
Freedom is not free; it must be defended by the very best military fighting force in the world, able to respond at home and across the globe to protect America’s interest. The United States must maintain an unparalleled homeland security to ensure the safety of all citizens within our borders.
Taking Care of Veterans
The National Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Commission advocates for, and exercises independent oversight for many benefits, programs and opportunities created to compensate and care for generations of American veterans and their dependents. The American legion Family support Network offers free assistance to families of deployed servicemembers by calling a toll free telephone number 1-800-504-4098.
Mentoring Youth
The family is the cornerstone of American society. However, modern society has placed demands on the family that didn’t exist in years past, demands that can deteriorate family strength and unity. For more than 85 years The American Legion at all levels has focused their time, talents, and moneys on advocating for America’s children, mentoring them as they grow to be strong healthy adults. Some of our Youth Programs include child safety, scholarship, education and temporary financial assistance.
Patriotism & Honor
The founders of The American Legion, having faced the enemy on foreign soil, had a tremendous appreciation for the America they left behind, the America that too many of their “comrades” died defending. It’s no wonder, then, that they held strong the desire to maintain the rights and the liberties that our Nation bestowed upon its citizens, then and now. They realized too that exercising the responsibilities of citizenship and enhancing loyalty to America were key ingredients in preserving what they fought for. Today that effort to create better citizens and cultivate loyalty – patriotism – is carried on in the many programs under the heading of “Americanism.”
Donald N Thompson Post 655
Post 655 was granted a charter in 1985 after the construction of the Post building that is still its current location 2817 Carson Street, Haltom City, Texas. The geographic reach of the Post 655 extends beyond Haltom City, to include the Cities of Richland Hills, North Richland Hills, Watauga, and a Southern portion of Keller.
Post 655 has a membership that spans from World II veterans to today's veterans returning from the war on Terror, and members every branch, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard. Each veteran is welcomed home and can always find the support they need as they adjust back to civilian life.
The Post 655 family includes a squadron of the Sons of the American Legion (SAL), a Legion Riders chapter, and Post 655 Auxillary.
Since its charter Post 655 has contributed to all of its surrounding City's Police and Fire departments over the years providing funds for specialized equipment or support for families when an officer or firefighter gives the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.
The Post has in the past and will in the future be a place of shelter during a natural disaster. Opening its doors and providing for those in need.
Post 655 meets the four pillars of the American Legion with its activities of assisting local veterans with home repairs, supporting and sponsoring Boy and Girl Scouts, providing emergency funding for families that have young children, encouraging the public to take part in their right to veto, support the local school district ROTC programs with there year awards, and many other programs.
The Post acts as a collection point for food, clothing, and hygiene products for homeless veterans and families in need. Every year taking coats, gloves, and hats to shelters to help keep our homeless warm.